Saturday, September 6, 2008

We are attempting to teach independe-nce at a very early age.


Jennifer and BJ said...

They are beautiful!! Congrats! I can't wait to meet them!

The Barnes said...

I love it! They are beautiful Maggie! So glad you started a blog. I am So excited that I will be able to see these little guys grow. Congrats! Hope to see yall soon.

The Bradfords said...

That is so awesome!!! i love them. I can't wait to see them soon. They are too cute!! Your page looks awesome!!! Will has been busy..hahahaha
love yall

theelliottfamily said...

I am in awe of you having the time to blog like you are. Your slide show almost made me cry. You looked unbelievable 9 months pregnant. Your boys are beautiful, and I am not the least bit surprised! I know you are proud!

Courtney said...

love, love,love the video montage! They already look so different. And i am so impressed with your blog! how did you do the background? I'm still sporting the blogspot wallpaper. ha!

Mars Family said...

Congrats!!!!! The boys are adorable! Keeping you busy i know but what a joy they are...Glad to hear you are all doing so well!! Take care...Wendy

The Petro Family said...

Congrats Maggie and Will! They are just beautiful!!!

Rachel Trimm-Scarbrough said...

Hey Maggie and Will! So glad we found your blog! Ous is can keep in touch! The babies are sooo precious! I cannot imagine 2 at 1 time! Congratulations!