Sunday, January 4, 2009

Ok, so this is a bit rigged....He does love to stand, but Will was a step away so he wouldn't fall.
Chase is such a happy kid. He usually has two speeds....laughing or crying. Their smiles are all the reward I need for getting up every night. Yep, they are 4+ months and still not sleeping through the night. We are hopeful that it will happen soon.

Will took these while they were waiting for me to get ready to go shopping. They are learning at a very early age that they will probably always have to wait on girls.

So Chase caught the stomach virus after one long night in the E.R (he will be fine/it is a long story) and 3 consecutive doctor visits. He then shared the lovely virus with his brother. So Will and I had two weeks of very sick babies. This was Ethan at Will's parents feeling pretty rotten. Poor Guys.


The Trustys said...

Oh my goodness - those boys have grown up! They are getting so big! Is that Ethan standing up in the crib? What the heck? That's super impressive. Looks like ya'll had a good Christmas. We miss you, and it was good to talk to you the other day. Happy New Year!

Haley said...

Oh my gosh they are cute! I saw them with nanny this afternoon--they are getting so big! Love the pic of Ethan 'standing' in his crib. Miss y'all! Still need to bring their Christmas presents over. Used my stamp to pay bills and Love It.

Rowe Family said...

I can't get over those two! How precious! Give them a kiss. Miss you!

Emily Fowler said...

Maggie they are adorable and couldn't look more different. I know you are having so much fun.

Missy said...

i can't wait to get my hands on those two angels!! we are so excited about our upcoming weekend in starkvegas!! and i can't wait to introduce you guys to my big boy!! miss y'all!! :)