Friday, September 18, 2009

Chase's Surgery

Chase had hernia surgery this morning at Children's hospital. It has been a very long day, and we are very glad the surgery went well and is behind us. Mom and Dad kept Ethan for us, and it was the first time the twins have been apart. Also, I must say that getting out of the house with one child is a breeze as compared to twins.
Chase was a trooper! He had to go most of the day without anything to eat or drink and really didn't get too upset. We were released mid afternoon, and he is doing great. We appreciate all of the prayers.

Chase heading to the hospital this morning. He woke up in a great mood.

Having a blast at the hospital before the surgery....
He got a few laughs b/c he had his shoes on with his hospital gown...but we had to keep him moving, so he forget about being hungry.

Not having fun anymore...

This was after the surgery. He was pretty out of it due to all of the pain meds.

A very relieved and tired mama. Will and I were both pretty nervous, so we were drained after the surgery.


Allison said...

So glad all went well with your sweet little boy!

Missy said...
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Missy said...

Let me try glad things went well! I remember how scared I was when Holden had his surgery and how relieved I was once it was over. He looked so sweet in that little gown! Hope to see y'all soon!